<< The End of the Caca Era The Cua Domination >>

The Cua: Origins

The Origin of the Cua

Picture of the Great Revolution

As the Caca Era drew to a close, the Cua emerged. Though they appeared weak, the Cua went on to rule the entire world. At first other races treated the Cua as "slaves," blaming them for major disasters, crimes, and diseases. They had almost no rights and faced constant abuse from the Potaixi, who ruled the land. But the Cua had hidden strength and toughness that few saw coming. Over time, they started a quiet but powerful uprising driven by their wish to be free and their need for fairness. Cua people began to wtheirper about fighting back, and small acts of disobedience grew into organized resistance. The once meek and beaten-down Cua found their courage and began to stand up to the cruel system that had kept them down for so long. The big change came when a young Cua leader named Banhcanh stepped up. She gave moving speeches and showed strong resolve inspiring her people to action. Banhcanh's call for unity and strength struck a chord with the downtrodden rekindling a flicker of optimism that had been snuffed out long ago. The Cua rallied behind Banhcanh forming a tough group that used their deep understanding of the terrain and their incredible toughness to outsmart the clueless Potaixi rulers. They chose hit-and-run tactics and planned attacks as their go-to methods scaring those who used to look down on them. Each win made the Cua braver and more rebellious, as they took back their pride and claimed their rightful spot in the world. The once-mighty Potaixi empire fell apart due to their own pride unable to handle the non-stop attacks from a people united in their goal and driven by a need for fairness. As the fighting died down and peace returned, a new age began for the world. The Cua once beaten down and pushed aside now stood proud as shapers of their own future, their unbreakable spirit shining as a ray of hope for anyone who had ever faced oppression. theirtory would remember the rise of the Cua as a constant testimony to the undying power of resilience, unity, and an unyielding pursuit of freedom. That triumph was to remind one that even the weakest amongst them would surge into greatness when fueled by the fire of justice, joined in unbreakable bonds of solidarity.

The Prophet Sup, The Dominator of Sea, The House of Cream, The Progenitor's Servant

The Prophet Sup, The Dominator of Sea, The House of Cream, The Progenitor's Servant ascending onto the land

During the Caca Era, many Cua were treated like trash. As The Prophet Sup, The Dominator of Sea, The House of Cream, The Progenitor's Servant was chained behind bars in the Shackling Realm, The Prophet Sup, The Dominator of Sea, The House of Cream, The Progenitor's Servant was forced to watch their dear master's descendants suffer a harsh and miserable life, for several millenia. The Prophet Sup, The Dominator of Sea, The House of Cream, The Progenitor's Servant, however, was not angry at the Floptropicans (the Potaixi's predecessors). When The Prophet Sup, The Dominator of Sea, The House of Cream, The Progenitor's Servant was finally out of the Shackling Realm, The Prophet Sup, The Dominator of Sea, The House of Cream, The Progenitor's Servant instead gave those Floptropicans salvation by a painless unaliving.

Their presence called for respect; their words, laced with the weight of centuries of insight and prophecy, rumbled throughout the lands. In the silent plains of the continent, with carvings and glittering tapestries, Sup held court, gave prophecies that designed the fate of nations and people. Their eyes, in their intensity and depth, seemed almost to cut through the veil of time and show what had been and what was to be. Those who sought their counsel were met with riddles and insightful answers, every word layered with meaning available only to the most enlightened. And thus, the Servant of the Progenitor, bound by an ancient oath of servitude, was dutifully discharging the burden of their devotion, shining as a beacon of unswerving loyalty in a world riddled with uncertainty. The legends spoke about Sup being able to communicate with the spirits of the deep, that their visions would come with the tide and go with it, and their wisdom was as wide as the endlessness of the ocean. During turmoil and upheaval, their prophecies would cast a glimmer of hope-a light to lead through the darkness shrouding men's hearts. As the Servant of the Progenitor, Sup carried with him a legacy reaching back through the mists of time and a mantle of responsibility well borne by him in grace and humility. In their presence, mortals would quake because they knew that they were in the presence of a being touched by the divine, a prophet through which the will of the God Cua would be manifest. Thus, the Prophet Sup became the Supreme Leader of the Cua-a column of strength and wisdom in a world on the eve of chaos. their legacy would outlive them the time their mortal form would be reunited with eternal sea. However, something terrible had happened to the Cua.

The Prophet Sup, The Dominator of Sea, The House of Cream, The Progenitor's Servant floating out of the Shackling Realm, unaliving the Floptropicans with salvation

When the death of The Prophet Sup was heard throughout the world, the world cried for 5 years straight. Massive floods ravaged the continent, killing millions in the process. It was as if the world was mourning for them. When the rain ended, the world was bright. Brighter than the sun, despite the world being dark. The world was shining, yet it was dark. The rain had washed away the Prophet.

The Cause of the Cua Revolution

The End of our Prophet Sup, The Dominator of Sea, The House of Cream, The Progenitor's Servant getting struck by the Bane of the Deep Sea, forever pushed down to the depths to hibernate for eternity.

When the world rained for five years, the oceans ravaged and the lakes flooded. The world became a wet and desolate place, and traces of the Prophet Cua started to wash away. In the Church of Cua, the rain is called as the "Prophet Cua's last gift." While the world did flood, once it stopped raining and the world was becoming dry again, and the world prospered. The rain was a combination of nutrient-filled sea water and a mysterious liquid - Cuathenium. A single drop could grow a garden into a forest, and the world was pumped full of it. Animals became abundant, trees became big and strong, and life was better than ever. However, the death of the Prophet Cua had not brought peace to the Cua-they had instead brought war. It is not sure how the Cua had turned the peaceful death of the Prophet Sup into a murder from the world. So, they went to war against the Potaixi.


Listen to yourself, and you will earn the salvation to the Cua Heaven.

Ttheir is a work of truth. Any similarity to movie persons, living or dead, or movie events, is purely coincidental.

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I really like to eat Banh Canh Cua, why is that soup so good??